Thursday, October 24, 2013


This week I decided that instead of continuing my study of the book of John, I would crack open my Bible and start reading wherever the pages fell.  All scripture is God-breathed and inspiring (2 Timothy 3:16), and what I found leaped off the pages at me.  It's 1 Samuel 14, the account of Jonathan and his armor bearer courageously starting an attack that lead to victory for Israel over the Philistines.  Their little riot literally caused the earth to quake and chaos to break out in the Philistine camp, but what really caught my attention was the armor bearer's response to Jonathan's dangerous mission.

Verse 6: Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few."  

Verse 7: And his armor-bearer said to him, “Do all that is in your heart.  Do as you wish.  Behold, I am with you heart and soul.”

Wow.  I'm sure those words encouraged Jonathan and were a confirmation for him that he was doing the right thing.  We all need people like Jonathan's armor bearer supporting us, especially when we're about to face something that seems impossible to accomplish.  You may not have a say in who your parents are or what classmates you have, but you do have a say in who you're texting and who you hang out with.  Make sure that they're people who don't tear down your God-given dreams and goals.  Dream big dreams, and choose friends who support you heart and soul.  If you need a friend to pray with you today, don't hesitate to contact Brittany or myself.  


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who Am I?

Have you ever struggled over an issue.  Then you ask yourself lots of questions...and ask God lots of questions...."I wanna figure this thing out!!!"

That's been me lately. Over tears (remember, I'm a girl) and talks with my {amazing} Husband, I realized that through situations the devil was ultimately trying to attack my identity.

We have all asked these questions, haven't we?  Yeah, maybe not out loud; but in our heads it's been asked. Lots of times. :)

"Who am I?!"

 A strong identity is not found in a job, a guy, a shopping trip (as fun as that is!), a certain season of life, or even in making other people happy.
"I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege....of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly].....And that I may actually be found and known as in Him..."from philippians 3 (amplified bible)

We are only secure in who we are when we know who He is. Who He is.  And then we find ourselves in Him.

"Instead of being the girl that got her identity and worth out of being the perfect little Christian, or her career being exactly what she though it should be, or being in shape, or having the right relationship (fill in the blank. You get the idea.) Instead, I am choosing to be the girl that wakes up to the finished work of Christ daily." -Dara Maclean

To know Him more,

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Encouraging words...

God is with you.  God is for you.  God loves you.  He is love!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

He is GOOD

There are so many things God has been speaking to my heart that I cannot wait to share with you!  Earlier this week, I was praying to the Lord regarding my finances and was surprised when I started getting jobs left and right.  Isn't that terrible?!  I was surprised that my prayers actually worked lol!  The Bible says the fervent prayers of a righteous woman avails much.  I encourage you to eagerly expect God to answer your prayers in a big way this week.  Nothing is impossible for Him!  

".. she who was called barren is now in her sixth month.  For nothing will be impossible with God."
Luke 1:36, 37 NASB


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pure: part 2

Elizabeth is taking her morning nap.  The house is SUPER quiet. Well...except for the dryer that just buzzed. :)

Been thinking about purity lately.  Being married hasn't changed my thoughts about purity from when I was single.  You don't STOP being pure once you get married.  Out of love for the Lord and love for your spouse you continue to guard your eyes, your emotions, your thoughts.  In singleness, your one devotion is to the Lord. In marriage, your devotion to the Lord is lived out in honoring your man. 

 I've seen too many Christian married women make very foolish and devastating choices.  Maybe their husband wasn't protecting them. Maybe they had the wrong friends. Maybe they had too much freedom. I don't know.  But I do know, God desires all of us to be pure in heart.  It's only then that we'll truly SEE HIM! (Matthew 5:8)

"God made man to experience the satisfying pleasures of His presence instead of the temporary pleasures of sin." - S.J. Hill

If you're single or married, He has your very best in mind.  Enjoy where God has you; not out of duty, but out of love for your Father.

My little girly is awake!  Time for lunch!!! :)

With love,


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sweets Update

I am happy to say that I am finally done with my "no sugar for 30 days" challenge.  I admit I wasn't perfect... I cheated one weekend and couldn't resist a Starbucks drink or two, but this was still by far the longest I've gone without sweets.  Because of my work schedule (and lack of discipline) I did not work out consistently during my sweets challenge, so there was no shift in my weight.  However,  I did have more energy and the sugar cravings grew weaker as the days went by.

Sugar tip of the day:
According to Dr. Hotze, refined sugars compromise your immune system.  So next time you're at a restaurant and feel tempted to order a coke, be strong and get a water instead.  I love an occasional Coca Cola... mmm... but I've noticed that when I'm at a restaurant and the waitress keeps refilling my glass, I'll drink two sodas before the meal is even finished.  Just get water!  Besides, you're saving yourself a little pocket change ;)

P.S.  The day I found this tip on Dr. Hotze's website ( was actually Thanksgiving when I stuffed my face with more sugar than I should have consumed haha (don't judge me.. it was Thanksgiving...)  And guess what?  My immune system couldn't handle a sick relative of mine or the germs out at the movie theatre.. and I've been fighting a cold.  What do ya know?  Less sugar is best.  More tips to come!
