Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Every day you're faced with choices.  "What will I wear?  What's for lunch?  What will I do this weekend?"  The answers to those questions are fairly simple, but there are some decisions that are more serious.  Let's say you sat and wrote down an entire day's events from start to finish - a day in the life of you.  What would that consist of?  What do you spend most of your time doing?  Even more importantly, what do you spend the majority of your time thinking about?  If you recorded the conversations you had with the people you spend your time with, what would the main topic be?  If you wrote down the lyrics to the songs you listen to, what would they be about?  
These questions may seem silly, but take a minute to think about them.  Every decision you make today is affecting your future.  Brittany has addressed the subject of purity and what it means to live a life that's set apart for Jesus Christ.  He is the One who has your best interests at heart, and living for Him is the best decision you could ever make.  When I look back at my past, every good decision that I ever made was when I was serving God.. and every bad one was when I was trying to do my own thing. Life is so much sweeter when you're with Jesus :) I want to challenge you to analyze the choices you're making and see if they match up with what God's Word says you should do.  Psalm 119:9 says, "How can a young [woman] keep her way pure?  By living according to Your Word," and Psalm 119:32 says, "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."  Choose to meditate on God's promises today, and walk in freedom! 

- Rachel

Song for U!

God says if you seek Him, you'll find Him. He'll meet you where you're at! Check this out :)