Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sweets Update

I am happy to say that I am finally done with my "no sugar for 30 days" challenge.  I admit I wasn't perfect... I cheated one weekend and couldn't resist a Starbucks drink or two, but this was still by far the longest I've gone without sweets.  Because of my work schedule (and lack of discipline) I did not work out consistently during my sweets challenge, so there was no shift in my weight.  However,  I did have more energy and the sugar cravings grew weaker as the days went by.

Sugar tip of the day:
According to Dr. Hotze, refined sugars compromise your immune system.  So next time you're at a restaurant and feel tempted to order a coke, be strong and get a water instead.  I love an occasional Coca Cola... mmm... but I've noticed that when I'm at a restaurant and the waitress keeps refilling my glass, I'll drink two sodas before the meal is even finished.  Just get water!  Besides, you're saving yourself a little pocket change ;)

P.S.  The day I found this tip on Dr. Hotze's website ( was actually Thanksgiving when I stuffed my face with more sugar than I should have consumed haha (don't judge me.. it was Thanksgiving...)  And guess what?  My immune system couldn't handle a sick relative of mine or the germs out at the movie theatre.. and I've been fighting a cold.  What do ya know?  Less sugar is best.  More tips to come!
