Thursday, June 23, 2011

A song for you

The Real Me- Natalie Grant

Psalm 34:18 (NASB)
Psalm 56:8 (The Message)

Thankful :)

Hey girls, something VERY important I want to share with you all!! The words of Joyce Meyer have been ringing in my ears for weeks now... "Be happy with what you have. You can be praying for something you want, but while you're waiting for the change in your circumstances, be happy. If you don't learn to be happy now, you won't be happy when that thing you've been praying about arrives." It is sooo easy to become discontent when you're asking God for something and the answer doesn't come right away. If you think I'm telling you this because I've mastered this concept.... HA. I've struggled many times with this issue! But every time I take my attention off of what I don't have and thank God for what I do have.. Wow. Life becomes a beautiful thing. If anything else, friends, thank God that you're breathing and your hope is in Him. He wants your life to be blessed and it can only get better. He satisfies your heart's desires with good things (Psalm 103:1-5). Take a lesson from Maria off "The Sound of Music." Make up a corny song about your favorite things. It's sure to make you smile! Love you very much. <3

Friday, June 17, 2011


If you're my friend on facebook then you've heard the news..... my awesome hubby and me are having a BABY! :)  I am 7 weeks preggo and feeling the changes already.   I'm reminded of what my late Momma told me, "I was always so thankful for the morning sickness 'cause it means a good strong pregnancy". 

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 12:9 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Same Thing Sista!

Over the last few days I 've been thinking about that same topic Rachel wrote about last Friday.  And then the Bible study I'm doing (Beth Moore's Daniel Study) mentioned it yesterday too.  God's trying to say something, don't ya think?! ;)

Thoughts. Choosing JOY. Looking to Jesus instead of focusing on what's going on in life.  So much of our attitude and joy depends on us.  Let's always choose to look to Jesus.   Like David said in Psalm 27- "The Lord is the strength of my life..." Love that!!

"So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from His perspective." Colossians 3:1-2

Gotta love God's Word. :)

Live great this week!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


This week the devil offered to throw me a pity party. He dug up my hurt, failures, and disappointments and set them right in front of me. "Why don't we take a look at these and be sad for awhile." I almost agreed to go to the party when suddenly I remembered a song my friend told me about and chose to listen to it. The name of the song is "You Won't Relent" (by the band Jesusculture), and as I listened my sadness subsided. Jesus has this powerful ability to make all your concerns fall away when your heart focuses on Him! I turned down the pity party invitation and felt peace and happiness soak in as the song continued.

"It takes some strength to not just yield to how you feel." Those wise words from Keith Moore remind me that the devil wants us to be unhappy. There are times when happiness must be a choice despite your circumstances! You won't always feel like being kind to people or feel like doing what is right! It isn't wise to live your life according to how you feel. HEAR ME OUT: Be wise in what you "feed" on so that when those negative feelings or emotions confront you, you'll have the strength to push them aside. Meditate on the truth. The truth is the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)!

Have a blessed day! Talk to Jesus, He's listening :)

p.s. More to come concerning what you "feed" on.