Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pure: part 2

Elizabeth is taking her morning nap.  The house is SUPER quiet. Well...except for the dryer that just buzzed. :)

Been thinking about purity lately.  Being married hasn't changed my thoughts about purity from when I was single.  You don't STOP being pure once you get married.  Out of love for the Lord and love for your spouse you continue to guard your eyes, your emotions, your thoughts.  In singleness, your one devotion is to the Lord. In marriage, your devotion to the Lord is lived out in honoring your man. 

 I've seen too many Christian married women make very foolish and devastating choices.  Maybe their husband wasn't protecting them. Maybe they had the wrong friends. Maybe they had too much freedom. I don't know.  But I do know, God desires all of us to be pure in heart.  It's only then that we'll truly SEE HIM! (Matthew 5:8)

"God made man to experience the satisfying pleasures of His presence instead of the temporary pleasures of sin." - S.J. Hill

If you're single or married, He has your very best in mind.  Enjoy where God has you; not out of duty, but out of love for your Father.

My little girly is awake!  Time for lunch!!! :)

With love,


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sweets Update

I am happy to say that I am finally done with my "no sugar for 30 days" challenge.  I admit I wasn't perfect... I cheated one weekend and couldn't resist a Starbucks drink or two, but this was still by far the longest I've gone without sweets.  Because of my work schedule (and lack of discipline) I did not work out consistently during my sweets challenge, so there was no shift in my weight.  However,  I did have more energy and the sugar cravings grew weaker as the days went by.

Sugar tip of the day:
According to Dr. Hotze, refined sugars compromise your immune system.  So next time you're at a restaurant and feel tempted to order a coke, be strong and get a water instead.  I love an occasional Coca Cola... mmm... but I've noticed that when I'm at a restaurant and the waitress keeps refilling my glass, I'll drink two sodas before the meal is even finished.  Just get water!  Besides, you're saving yourself a little pocket change ;)

P.S.  The day I found this tip on Dr. Hotze's website ( was actually Thanksgiving when I stuffed my face with more sugar than I should have consumed haha (don't judge me.. it was Thanksgiving...)  And guess what?  My immune system couldn't handle a sick relative of mine or the germs out at the movie theatre.. and I've been fighting a cold.  What do ya know?  Less sugar is best.  More tips to come!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sweets update

So.. I did not realize just how addicting sugar was.  This has got to be one of the hardest things I've ever done (for those of you who are like "what it she talking about..."  I challenged myself to a month without sweets).  Thanks to Mema's birthday party (that's an excuse to cheat, right? nope)  I've had to start over, and this is Day 9.  Without processed sugars, I've been craving bananas, juice.. my body is trying to find sugar in other foods since I've cut out the cookies.  Not easy!!  Worth it, though.  I'm determined to get to Day 30 and see healthy results.  More to come!

<3 Rachel

Monday, October 1, 2012

Flippin' Sweet Challenge

So after years of acne breakouts on and off.. and seeing way too many Nike quotes and fitness tips on Pinterest... I have decided to give up sugar/sweets for 30 days.  It's something I've never done before, so it should be interesting!!  I'll keep you posted on how I'm feeling (and whether I've had a meltdown over missing the Oreos) as the weeks go by.  Processed sugars work against our bodies, not for them.. and I want to see what it's like to fuel my body without dessert.  Healthy tips coming your way soon!

<3 R


"In Your presence is fullness of JOY.."  Psalm 16:11

Contrary to what the world believes, being in the presence of God is the one and only thing that can satisfy us completely.  The Bible promises JOY in His presence!!  I don't know about you, but I like to be around happy people.. things that make me happy.. Jesus is always happy and in a good mood :)  seek His face today and discover an overwhelming joy!  If would like prayer for something and/or you're wanting to know more about Jesus, don't hesitate to contact me or Brittany!   Have a blessed week.  

<3 R

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Every day you're faced with choices.  "What will I wear?  What's for lunch?  What will I do this weekend?"  The answers to those questions are fairly simple, but there are some decisions that are more serious.  Let's say you sat and wrote down an entire day's events from start to finish - a day in the life of you.  What would that consist of?  What do you spend most of your time doing?  Even more importantly, what do you spend the majority of your time thinking about?  If you recorded the conversations you had with the people you spend your time with, what would the main topic be?  If you wrote down the lyrics to the songs you listen to, what would they be about?  
These questions may seem silly, but take a minute to think about them.  Every decision you make today is affecting your future.  Brittany has addressed the subject of purity and what it means to live a life that's set apart for Jesus Christ.  He is the One who has your best interests at heart, and living for Him is the best decision you could ever make.  When I look back at my past, every good decision that I ever made was when I was serving God.. and every bad one was when I was trying to do my own thing. Life is so much sweeter when you're with Jesus :) I want to challenge you to analyze the choices you're making and see if they match up with what God's Word says you should do.  Psalm 119:9 says, "How can a young [woman] keep her way pure?  By living according to Your Word," and Psalm 119:32 says, "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."  Choose to meditate on God's promises today, and walk in freedom! 

- Rachel

Song for U!

God says if you seek Him, you'll find Him. He'll meet you where you're at! Check this out :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pure: Part 1

What do you think of when you hear the word? Clean? Spotless? Fresh? 

 Definition of Pure- 
a (1): free from what weakens, or pollutes (2): containing nothing that does not properly belong 
b : free from moral fault or guilt 
c : marked by chastity 

  "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8 

 In the world today, purity is undervalued. Good people, even Christians, desire a form of purity but then live a lifestyle far from it. God has called us to be separate. Totally different from the world. Including relationships and what goes on in our hearts. 

 Jesus is coming back one day for a spotless Bride (the church) Won't you decide today to be part of His set-apart people? A people with purity of heart and life? It takes boldness. It takes courage. It takes loving someone greater! 

 Stay tuned for more. :) And remember, you are a beautiful cause!