Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pure: Part 1

What do you think of when you hear the word? Clean? Spotless? Fresh? 

 Definition of Pure- 
a (1): free from what weakens, or pollutes (2): containing nothing that does not properly belong 
b : free from moral fault or guilt 
c : marked by chastity 

  "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8 

 In the world today, purity is undervalued. Good people, even Christians, desire a form of purity but then live a lifestyle far from it. God has called us to be separate. Totally different from the world. Including relationships and what goes on in our hearts. 

 Jesus is coming back one day for a spotless Bride (the church) Won't you decide today to be part of His set-apart people? A people with purity of heart and life? It takes boldness. It takes courage. It takes loving someone greater! 

 Stay tuned for more. :) And remember, you are a beautiful cause!

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